
Through the years, like most of us, I’ve had good and horrible bosses. One of the best leaders I had the privilege to report to suggested to network more. He would say it’s important to build your base. So, way back then, I set out networking. Most people groan at the idea of networking. As a friend said to me recently, it feels like speed dating. This really sums up how most of us feel about networking, especially for those of us who would prefer to be quietly working or home reading a book. However, the truth is that if you do it right it can be quite fun.

Since my amazing boss was telling me it was important, I took it seriously. I changed my mindset to see it as an adventure, an opportunity to meet new people and to hear their stories. For me, when someone shares their story it’s a gift I appreciate and relish. I use networking to learn about people, hear their stories, and connect. Throughout the years I’ve had the privilege to meet, and when lucky, really get to know some interesting and amazing people doing interesting and amazing things. The key with networking for me was to meet people at a time when all I wanted was to simply get to know them. The result… I built my base, such great advice.

During those stable and smooth sailing times, I had the privilege to be a resource for many people in my network. I connected my service provider friends with peers and colleagues that could be potential customers, I was invited in to learn about interesting projects that I could support, and best of all I transitioned many industry acquaintances to friends. It has really been a two-way relationship with great rewards on both sides.

I recently found myself without a job. I had been someone who was out the door by 7 am and didn’t get home until close to 8 pm most nights. I had a long commute, but generally put in 10 hour days. I liked my work and I truly enjoyed the people I worked with and now I’m on my own.

It was disorienting at first. I started going to the 9 am yoga and Pilates classes at my gym where I ran into a friend and she introduced me to her friends and others as well. I began walking my dog around town, and going for hikes every afternoon. I ran into old friends I’d not seen in some time and developed new friendships. I inhabited my life again and it felt great.

After a few weeks of resting, catching up with my reading, and binge watching several deeply engrossing series, it was time to start making plans for my next steps. Of course, the real question was how to take those first steps and figure out where they’re going? So, I reached out to my network.

One specific connection was with an industry friend of mine in regard to a project I’m assessing. I let her know that I’m looking at a project grounded in an area I know little about, but she lives in it every day. I simply asked her where I should look for more information and a starting point, and she introduced me to several people doing exactly what I needed to learn about. It was a simple connection that I intend to repay someday when she’s looking at a project I can be of use on for her. Or, I’ll pay it forward to someone else in my network, because I believe that when you participate it all comes around in the end.

Still feeling a bit disoriented by this new freedom and still needing to formalize my next steps, I had to ask myself, who can I learn from? In reaching out, I learned that many people had been through similar transitions and I wanted to learn from them. How did they transition and change their lives? What did they learn in making such a massive shift in their careers? Others were working on interesting projects and I wanted to learn more about what they were doing. Was it relevant to my skill set and interests? Could I start creating ideas from the innovative new projects going on behind the scenes? The insightful people throughout my network had perspectives and connections that would come in handy with my potential new projects. I called people for informational interviews to help build a base of perspectives. The support that came to me through reaching out was truly inspiring. As I work on my next steps, I felt the support of my network, friends and acquaintances, near and far, new and old. I gained a new view of my next steps that was not disorienting or scary. And, I’m confident that with these amazing people supporting my efforts I cannot go wrong.

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